Dental pain can be extremely debilitating. Dental pain could have multiple causes starting from cavities or caries, infection or abscess, fracture or other conditions such as cysts and cellular abnormalities. Here are some of the best ways to avoid future dental pain: Brushing/flossing: Not only it is important to brush and floss on a daily basis, but the technique you... read more »
Your dentist may have recommended root canal therapy for you. Your reaction may have been one of anxiety, concern or nervousness. So, what is a root canal? Root canals are performed to reduce pain, discomfort and infection. Call us today for an evaluation consultation at 770-939-5122 if you are experiencing any of the symptoms below: Extremely hot and cold sensitive... read more »
Teeth sensitivity is extremely common after having in-office or over-the-counter bleaching. The bleach material, which is usually peroxide-based can open up the enamel pores and irritate the dentin resulting in tooth sensitivity. Use Sensodyne toothpaste: This toothpaste has an active ingredient called potassium nitrate that helps reduce sensitivity. Potassium ions over time help desensitize nerves in the tooth pulp, making... read more »
Your dentist at Lavista Park Family Dentistry will help you determine whether a dental crown or cap is the right treatment for you. Many times, if there isn’t enough natural tooth structure left, the best solution is extraction and replacement. So, what is a dental crown? Dental crowns or caps protect weak and broken teeth from breakage. They are custom-made... read more »
Which One Is Better for You? If you or your child needs braces, you may be wondering about clear braces. They have risen in popularity in recent years. Remember, teeth move due to mild force applied to them at the right place and angle. Plastics and metal can both apply force if done correctly. Excessive force can cause root resorption... read more »
You may or may not have experienced tooth pain in your life at least once, or at least know someone who has been through tooth or dental pain. Most will tell you it is quite unbearable, and it can be quite traumatic. Dental pain can cause you to miss your work, prevent you from eating your food, or even cause... read more »
Here at Lavista Park Family Dentistry, we endeavor to use our new blog as a regular means for publishing valuable content for our community through monthly blog posts. Thanks to the wonders of the Internet, we’re able to further explore some of the most important topics pertaining to our industry and area of expertise here on our website through these... read more »